Internet Marketing Isn’t “Us Against Them”…

I get a lot of questions via emails. No problem, I like to really. In fact, I just emailed my lists to find out their biggest question regarding creating and launching products.

I got one that seems to epitomize much of the “us against them” thought process today. Here’s the email and my response…

How do successful marketers sleep at night knowing they made their millions out of the newbies ignorance and debt? Many seuccessful marketers pride themselves on how they have helped newbies to become successful. Where are they? In my humble oppinion it would favour well for successful marketers to consider teaching newbies free of charge until they are comfortably able to pay for their success. But don’t mind me, I’m just a humble newbie.

This is a great question – and I will do a video on it – but let me give you a bit of insight right now.

First of all, understand a couple of things about me…

I was NOT always successful. In fact, I spent 5 or more years toiling around, not making money while deep in debt. I had the exact same outlook and attitude that you have right now:

“You’re living off the backs of people like me!”
“Teach me free, if you’re so smart!”

Etc. and so on. But I learned quite a few things as time went on, and it helped change my viewpoint…which helped change my life. Let me explain…

First, successful marketers (disclaimer: I can’t and DON’T speak for all marketers, and certainly not for scammers. I speak for me and the people I know) sleep well at night simply because we understand a few things.

-The people we sell products to are adults, capable of making informed choices.
-The products we put out, if followed and worked, do make people money. My Easy Product Profits chronicles EXACTLY how I make money by creating products.
-Helping people for free, whether you believe this or not, never works.

Let me expand on that third one. We all like to think we’re different than everybody else. We tend to think, “If they just gave me their product, if it’s so great, I KNOW I can make money with it”. That’s a fantasy, however.

It has been proven, time and again, that when you get free stuff, you tend to do nothing with it. If you want proof, look at your own hard drive at all the free products you downloaded, and ask yourself how many of them you opened, read, and took action on.

Taking action is the key to your success – not getting free help. I can’t tell you how many people have written to me about their tough times financially, asking me for free access to a product of mine. I typically give access and simply request ANY kind of feedback – show me some progress, ask me questions, tell me if it helps, and so on.

Not a SINGLE person I ever gave free access to my products has ever come back to me with feedback one way or the other. Then I am forced to wonder how THEY sleep at night, knowing they gave me a sob story to play on my emotions, I go out of my way to help, then they won’t even TRY to make an effort. THAT’S disheartening…

But, alas, I love to help people. If I am asked, I usually respond in some way. Not always with free products, but at least with free advice.

In fact, just a few days back a man on my list asked me for a review and some tips for his very first video. It was 15 minutes long. I watched the entire video, and sent him an email (about as long as this one) with my advice, tips, etc. He turned out to be one that is appreciative…he redid his video based on my advice. And guess what? He will finish his product, he will launch it, and he will make a few dollars. Because he’s taking action.

So, here’s the very best advice I can give you. And this is the same advice given to me a few years back and it literally changed my life…

First, lose the “Us against them” thought process. Successful marketers are NOT holding you back.

Second, understand that the odds are, if you are given free access to any product, most likely you won’t follow through. You’ll feel you’ve lost nothing because, well, it was free. When you pay for information – even five bucks – you tend to feel a vested interest and are more likely to take action.

Third, Take Action!

Fourth, change your label of yourself. Newbie is a state of mind, and it’s dibilitating. You will lean on that every time you have a failure. “Oh, well I’m just a newbie, I don’t know how!” or, like in your opening statement, you’ll always feel ripped off because you’re a newbie.

Don’t be a newbie. Study, learn, apply. Don’t admonish successful marketers – learn from them, do what they do. Ask questions. And most of all…Take Action!

Look for my videos in a couple of weeks…

Names with held. But you get the idea.

Anyway, that’s my viewpoint on this subject. Feel free to leave your comments.



1 thought on “Internet Marketing Isn’t “Us Against Them”…

  1. Hi Mike,
    I am one of those who has received free information from you in 2 forms.

    First, I have read every last page of your Mr. OverDeliver ecourse. I have never seen so much information given away for free and I am highly impressed with you as an internet marketer who stands heads above the rest. Yes, you should be able to sleep at night. I will be acting on all that information shortly.

    Second, you took the time to answer my questions on list maintenance (and overdelivered, I might add!) and those answers became part of my first ebook.

    So, thanks for doing what you do best, Mike!

    Peggy Baron

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